• "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb 11:1


Dr. Cleveland P. Prince is a native of East Palo Alto, California. He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 14 and accepted the call
into the Gospel Ministry at the age of 16. A dedicated servant of the Lord, Dr. Prince served under his father, Rev. Roger Prince, Pastor of the East Menlo
Park Church of God, Inc. He was licensed on October 19, 1986, and ordained on August 16, 1987.
On December 10, 2017, Dr. Prince was ordained as a Baptist minister after an intense examination by Dr. Fred Campbell, Dr. Thomas Fisher, Dr. Michael S. Williams, Pastor M.D.F. Washington, Pastor Lee Wilson, Pastor E.C. Wilson, and Dr. Leroy Gainey from Gateway Seminary (formerly Golden Gate Theological Seminary).       
 Why I am a Baptist: Historically, Biblically, and Personally
My first emphatic statement is not that I am Baptist, but I am unequivocally a believer, follower, and disciple of Jesus Christ. My loyalty is clearly as a believer in the Messiahship, divinity, and humanity of the living Savior who saved me and now keeps me by the power of the Holy Spirit. This is my general statement. 
 The reason I am a Baptist personally has to do with my membership at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. After wandering through my “wilderness” experience I was looking for a place to be grounded and a place where there was a real shepherd leading the flock who was doctrinally sound, living the Christian life as an example, a loving leader who people could touch, and one who is a great role model and mentor. I prayed for guidance and visited other churches, but it was clear to me that God was directing me to Pastor Fred Campbell and the Mt. Zion Church. Coupled with that I found a pastor “in whom there is no deceit.” One of the greatest periods of my Christian growth has been in my joining Mt. Zion Baptist Church under the pastoral leadership of Dr. Fred Campbell.
 The reason I am a Baptist Historically is intertwined with my family history. My father started his ministry as a Baptist minister. He was assistant pastor to Rev. James Branch, the founding pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church in East Palo Alto, California. My paternal grandparents and my father’s oldest sibling were founding/charter members of St. John Baptist Church. St. John had its original start in my paternal grandparent’s garage at 1219 Jervis Ave in East Palo Alto. Baptist history runs throughout my family beginning with St. John in San Francisco. Historically, from the macro perspective, I believe that the Baptist doctrine is biblically sound in teaching, both exegetically and practically.
 Biblically, there is no specific denominational designation. I subscribe to what Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, but all are one in Christ Jesus.” That being said, as stated above I do believe the teaching of the Baptist Church to be biblically sound and aligned with the scriptures. I believe in water baptism by immersion and that this symbolizes our death to sin, our burial, and our resurrection to a new life. I believe that God is expressed in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit also known as the Trinity. The teaching on making disciples, evangelism, salvation through Jesus Christ alone, and the inerrancy of scripture confirms my membership in the Church.
Obedient to the calling that God had on his life, Dr. Prince began his life’s mission and ministry to serve others as an ambassador of Jesus Christ on this earth. As he yielded himself to God, it was God that opened every door. He was called to serve as the Director of Chaplaincy for Hillcrest Chaplaincy & Ministries, a nonprofit organization serving incarcerated young men and women in San Mateo County Juvenile Facilities from 1986 – 1996. In this capacity, Dr. Prince provided pastoral care for the youth, staff, and parents and counseling support. During his tenure, Sunday morning attendance grew to over 98% voluntary attendance. The volunteer participation in Bible studies and Sunday Services increased from 30 volunteers to 200 volunteers by the time he resigned to pursue other opportunities. Dr. Prince served as the President of The Peninsula Omega Youth Club, Inc. from 1996 until 2005. Under Dr. Prince’s leadership, Peninsula Omega Youth Club, Inc. began as a grassroots organization and became an incorporated non-profit community organization serving At-­‐Risk Youth in San Mateo and San Francisco Counties. The Peninsula Omega  Youth Club, Inc. provided educational services, counseling, and life skills programs for both incarcerated and at–risk youth in the community. As God continued to lead Dr. Prince, he closely followed.
 The journey led Dr. Prince to serve over 20 years in the Santa Clara County Probation Department as a Deputy Probation Officer with stints in Juvenile Hall, as a gang officer of both adult and juvenile offenders, a diversion officer, a supervisor in both the Adult and Juvenile Divisions, and a Division Manager. Dr. Prince has been certified as a court expert on gangs, youth, and the criminal justice system. In his official capacity, Dr. Prince has taught as a guest lecturer at San Jose State University, Sonoma State University, and San Jose City College, and as a guest speaker at Community
organizations, Churches, and state and national conferences. He has been published in the American Bar Association national publication and was profiled in the book, “Somebody Else’s Children,” by Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Hubner. Dr. Prince currently serves as the Human Resources Manager for The Alameda County Social Services Agency. Dr. Prince has a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities, a Master of Arts degree in Educational Leadership from Gateway Seminary (formerly Golden Gate Baptist
Theological Seminary), and a Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Leadership from Andersonville Theological Seminary.
 Dr. Prince has always had a love for service to people. Dr. Prince became a member of Mt. Zion in 2011. He serves on the ministerial staff at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Fred Campbell. Dr. Prince served as the Director of Preachers, Men’s Ministry Director, the Minister’s Sunday School Class, and Servant Leader over the Life Stages Ministry. Dr. Prince currently serves as Vice- Moderator of the Bay Area Baptist District Association. Prior to this assignment, he served as the Dean of the Bay Area Baptist District Association Congress of Christian Education. Dr. Prince was consecrated as a Bishop with Perfecting Ministries International Fellowship, Inc. Dr. Prince believes his life and ministry should serve as an effective witness for Jesus Christ. He firmly believes that you should let your light shine and not your lips. Don’t pay lip service to Christ but let your life exemplify His Life.
Dr. Cleveland Prince is a father, grandfather, uncle, brother, and friend.